Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Sustainable Souls Project

What is The Sustainable Souls Project?

The Sustainable Souls Project is a monthly artist collaboration inspired by sustainability issues, concerns, ideas, and thoughts.  Each month, we will pick a sustainability topic and create awareness through art, using the monthly theme as inspiration.  Projects may include art journaling, mixed media, assemblage and more.
The idea is to create awareness around Sustainability through art, one paint stroke at a time!  

We hope to educate, entertain, and share pretty things for both humans and the earth.

How was The Sustainable Souls Project born?

The Sustainable Souls Project evolved from the yearly discovery of a single word.  Each year, I choose a word to define my hopes, focus, and desires for the next 365 days.  Because the earth is in dire need of help and I want to leave a legacy for my children and their children to inherit, I thought it was time to focus on Sustainability.  

But I wanted to make 2017 different.  I wanted to include others in my word, since Sustainability cannot be done alone.  Yes, every small action helps, but it's the combination of hundreds of small acts that make a difference.

What can you expect each month?

Each month, the wonderfully talented artists who are listed on the right side of the blog will share their inspiration behind the month's theme.  To be honest, I'm not sure what we will see, but I am positive it will be incredibly inspirational, super creative, and fun!  

We will also have Guest Artists throughout the year, accompanied by Junior Artists from time to time.  If everything goes as planned, we will also be joined by Middle School and High School students who will help share their ideas on Sustainability.

If would like to create with us this year, please feel free to use our monthly theme as inspiration. We would love to see what you create! 
Want to do more?  Want to be a Sustainable Soul?  What to create with us each month?  Send me a message and I'll  add to our private Facebook group where you can get all the juicy details. 

If you can't create but would like to support and participate in our quest for a Sustainable future, please feel free to grab our badge and share it on your social media sites.  We truly appreciate your support and understanding that our future must change for our children and planet earth.

Our January Theme will be revealed on January 25th, so please be sure to stop on back and see what the Sustainable Souls have created!

Here's a peek at what is coming....

Thank you for joining The Sustainable Souls Project!

See you soon.



  1. I am beyond thrilled to be a part of this year long collaboration!! I look forward to creating awareness through art and hope to make a small difference so that the earth can be sustained for future generations.

  2. It's such an honor to be among such beautiful creative souls all with our mother earth in mind. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

  3. This is going to be an awesome year! I am so happy to join in with so many wonderful creatives for this collaboration!

  4. Changes do need to be made to preserve our world, much can be done & what an awesome idea to make it into art projects to provoke thoughts of how we can sustain .... Happy to play along when time permits .... Cheers

  5. This will definitely push me. Please add me to the FB page.

  6. I want to watch you all, but a year long commitment is overwhelming to me, and I don't want to set myself up to feel bad about it! I!I'm going to sit this one out, but you go, peeps! You all are amazing!

  7. Tina Walker thank you for creating this project and working so many different personalities, running in a million different directions!

  8. So excited about the project! :) Thank you so much for taking the time to organize all of this!

  9. Wow, so much love and creativity in this group! Thank you Tina for creating this project, so awesome to be a part of this game changing group!

  10. Looking forward...together:) Laura
